Friday, March 22, 2013

Reading signs...

I saw an owl on the street last night driving to byron from the ashram, it was dark, the magnificent owl was lit by the car lights on the opposite side of the road, it was looking back over its shoulder - you couldn't see its face!!

A few moments before a frog was crossing my path, and i expected it would make it past and didnt slow a great deal, the frog lost its foot and slipped almost under my wheel, i slammed on the brakes, he made it free and i burst into tears,,,,  from here on i slowed and watched for animals very carefully... then the owl came...

Nature leaves the most wonderful signs.. i am on the right path, and nature is here for me, and you... For this i feel a deep gratitude. :D

To me this was symbolic, the tripping of the frog and the near death, reminds me of where i am right now, its like im so close to living a life of ultimate freedom and beatttiude, and that i just need to make it past this last massive mountain, where i could die, well i will die and be reborn...

The owl, shows me of the hiding of my face, for me its about fear of being and showing my new powerful and wise self to the world... a big step, to own my sexuality, to be centered in the heart in love, to be free and speak my truth, to respect theother as they need, to remain myself, and not get lost in the world of mimicking and pretending because its easier, to be authentic...... i feel that a further initiation maybe required - into womanhood.