Monday, September 18, 2017

The experiences not here please

i walk a very steep spiritual path filled with continual teachings in public amongst the people. People chanelling things to me for my heart to unfulfill it's wishes so I can meditate into the abyss.
I'm being prepared for long term intimate sitting with self, until I walk there I can't have freedom.

The past few days I have been feeling, it means that in the best way, everyone around me can feel me. It creates intimate love energy in the air and the birds sing, as do I.  As for the past three years I've been only by myself  intimate relations fine but limited. I'm now facing intimate intimate relations good but not thinking is required in the bedroom for it to be real.

I have thought that I wanted kind relations tonight but it's growing very unlikely that I will find someone that measures up to my requirements of ' more enlightened then me' I'm aware men don't think much of women if they're better than them,  I'm thinking I'd like things to be easy and flowing and spiritual and energetic and fun.  I'm loving the best times this year I'm freer than, intimate intimate relations think less of me.

I'm aware that intimate relations much less than me. I'm aware that intimate relations think too much. I'm loving the best of me though in the intimate intimate relations. Love is. I'm good after that., in the mind the heart in the being in the best way well.

Off I go